Section 1 of the manual describes user commands and tools, for example, file manipulation tools, shells, compilers, web browsers, file and image viewers and editors, and so on.


Thanks for reading, reader! Welcome to my personal site, where you will find content about IT, Linux, Info Sec, Networking and Cloud computing.

What is this about?

I will try to share what I have learned during my journey, playing around with computers. I may not post very often, but I want to crate a space for myself and for anyone that finds tech stuff content useful and enjoyable. I will document my projects and the tools that I daily use, sharing my view on how and why I use them.

I may sometimes re-share videos, podcasts and tutorials that I find useful. I am also hosting a live collection of all my useful snippets & tricks here. I will dedicate this blog space for technical content and material only, covering any technological domain. I would rarely engage in any other type of content that is not purely technical or about learning skills.

This is my first post, brief and simple. Hopefully much more to come!
